School's out for summer!
This is the first weekend of no-school. We let the boys stay up way too late the last two nights, and we didn't have them do any chores. All they did was play, play, and eat.
On the last day of school, there was the awards ceremony to help celebrate the kids' accomplishments in school. Little Iron Man got one for attendance, one for being a star student, and one for A/B Honor Roll. He has his own struggles, mostly with impulse control. Sometimes he acts out for attention, and he certainly misbehaves in school way more than he does at home. He is extremely intelligent, and I think his behavior definitely affects his grades at times, but overall, he is a very good kid, and we are certainly proud of how well he has done.
At school, the kids have to take Accelerated Reader (AR) tests on the books they read. J got an award for getting over 100 AR points, which apparently is difficult to do when you're in third grade. However, I'm not exactly super proud of that award. I'm pleased, of course, but each quarter, the kids were given an AR goal and they had to reach so many AR points each semester. J would see how many points he would need, find ONE book that would give him those points, read the book, take the test, and then wouldn't take any more tests the rest of the semester. It's a backwards way to be really lazy. The books he chose weren't necessarily easy books, and he had to read and absorb the books so he could get all the points for the test. He loves taking shortcuts. Or maybe he's really a genius in hiding. I don't know.
He also got a penmanship award for having the best cursive in his class. He told me he knew he was going to get that one because it was just "so obvious" he had the best handwriting. I've heard this is strange with kids with ASD, but J's talent is art, and for as clumsy and uncoordinated as he is with everything else, he can draw. He can't tie his shoes, but he can draw very intricate things.
As far as honor roll goes, J got the A Honor Roll for getting all A's for the entire school year. So far he has never gotten a B. When we had the conversation about his grades, he was not really sure what a B meant. We briefly discussed grades and averages (which he understood better than I thought he would have) and I showed him his report card, which had his averages for each semester as well as his end-of-the-year average. He was really disappointed in his Reading grade (a 95) and upset that in the third quarter he got a 99 in science, which was the only quarter he didn't get a 100. I told him if his lowest grade is a 95, then we really have nothing to worry about. He was pleased that the stamp on his report card said he got to graduate to the fourth grade.
Third grade brought on a lot of ups and downs. There were a lot of changes, but I feel that it was a great year of growth. We found a new therapist that we like, J started going to the gifted program at school, we found a parent autism support group that was coupled with a social-skills club for kids with autism, and because of all these different things he has greatly improved as a little person. I have received a lot of comments from his teachers, family, and friends regarding his behavior, his improving social skills, and the way he integrates his new coping mechanisms.
Hopefully we can continue to help him learn and grow this summer. Therapy is the only thing that will continue; the rest will pick back up with the start of the new school year. We are very excited to see where this summer takes us.
Well, in FOUR DAYS it takes us to DISNEY WORLD, so the rest of the summer probably won't even be able to compare!
Summertime summertime sum-sum-summertime! Summmertiiiiiiiiii--mmmeee.
ReplyDeleteJ clearly understands the way the system works, which is good and bad in turns, I suppose.
Right, we couldn't decide if his way of working the system was genius or just pure laziness.